Life Insurance for Business Owners

Are you a small business owner or a co-owner of a company? Among the many days to day responsibilities you encounter, you also are responsible for your family. You need to protect your family at home as well as your business family.

Life Insurance for Business Owners

Life insurance for business owners can help lay a proper financial foundation by protecting your current and future business. Let’s look into the different situations that life insurance can benefit your company or business.

Collateral Assignment Life Insurance

A life insurance policy can be used for business owners that require cash to begin a business or buy a company. Typically, when you buy a life insurance policy you will name a beneficiary. This beneficiary has an insurable interest to the insured. This beneficiary can be a family member, spouse or a business partner or company. When you’re getting a life insurance policy for an SBA loan or bank loan – it is the same overall concept. You have to assign a primary beneficiary, however- the lender will be named the collateral assignee. If you were to die the lender will get the balance of the loan from the life insurance death benefit. Your primary beneficiary will then get the balance once the loan is paid off.

What would happen in the event that you didn’t use a collateral assignment? If you had the lender the sole beneficiary, the lender would then collect one hundred percent of the life insurance policy’s death benefit. E-exchanger life insurance can help you avoid that.

Executive Bonus Plan Life Insurance

With an executive bonus plan, you’re using a compensating method for specific employees by paying the life insurance policy premiums on the key employee’s life. The employer or business owner will pay for a benefit that is owned by the executive or employee. There are benefits to both the employer and employee when it comes to Executive bonus plans.

For the employer, there is no administration needed, the plan is simple, and costs are tax deductible. For the employee, the executive is the owner of the life insurance policy and of the cash values. The policy is not lost if they were to change employers. The death benefit can be income tax-free.

Key Person Life Insurance

The purpose of key person life insurance is pretty basic:

A company buys a life insurance policy on a key employee, business owner or executive who is very important to the business. The company will apply for a life insurance policy, pay for all of the premiums and own the policy. The business is also the beneficiary of the life insurance policy. If the key person were to die, the company will receive the death benefit of the key person. The tax-free benefit can be used in a variety of ways. It can help make up for company sales as well as lost earnings. The benefit can also help cover some or all of the costs of finding a good replacement and provide proper training.

What would happen if the key person were to die unexpectedly? Could your business move forward without a hiccup? The life insurance death benefit can provide liquidity quickly so you can provide ongoing financial demands.

How about securing loans for your company’s growth? Sometimes loans are needed to help with the financing opportunities of expanding a business. Your lender will often seek collateral as security and the death of a key employee may pose too much of a risk to your lender. It is very common for a lender or bank to require key person life insurance on anyone that is vital to the life of your company.

One of the most important uses of key person life insurance is when there’s a need to buy out a deceased co-owner's interest in a company. There are some unfortunate situations that can arise if a key person policy isn’t in place. How would the deceased co-owner's family receive their share of the interest in the business without selling it off? How would the surviving owners pay off the dead owner’s family in order to avoid becoming partners with them?

Buy Sell Agreement with Life Insurance

When you’re an owner of a company or a partner in a business, a buy sell agreement can be an excellent way to avoid uncertainty. When a partner or company owner dies, the life of the business and its future are uncertain. With a buy-sell agreement, you can make sure you’re helping to protect you and your company from the unexpected or unintended transfer of ownership. By considering a buy sell agreement and funding it with life insurance, you can provide protection and extend the life of your company.

The buy sell agreement will aid the sale and purchase of a company based on a specified event. The most common events are retirement, disability or death of the owner of the company. The buy-sell will lay out specifically who will get what with regards to shares of the business. It will define how much and it will guarantee the buyer at a predetermined price. The buy-sell agreement also allows for the purchasing of company shares from the estate of the surviving family. Lastly, a buy-sell can be beneficial with creditors. Creditors will most likely be much easier to deal with when they can see that a company has protection established to make the loan decisions easier.

Business Succession Planning

Life insurance plays an important role as the driving force in succession planning. It is key that you have adequate coverage for you and your business partners. You need to get a formal valuation of your company and make sure that your coverage is updated with the growth of your company. Succession planning is a very important topic and can be vital to your business. If you let the estate plan dictate how your company transitions, it may cause significant issues. There are many companies that have had disastrous results due to poorly designed succession plans. Just ask the Robbie family and the Miami Dolphins.

Get Started

If you’re ready to get started, make sure you work with the following 3 resources:

  • Attorney
  • CPA
  • Life Insurance Broker

You’ll need experts in each of these areas in order to secure the best strategy and policy for your business succession plan.

How to Get Quotes and Apply

Once your plan is in place you can begin shopping for your life insurance policy. Simply use the free quote on this page to get an idea of rates.

However, the best way to secure coverage is to have our research customized quotes. You can simply contact us at  We’re independent and licensed life insurance agents. We’ll find you the best policy at the most competitive price from dozens of top rated life insurance companies. Once we find you the lowest rate, we’ll help you apply conveniently online or over the phone. We’ll help you from start to finish.

When Does a 10-Year Term Policy Make Sense?

Term life insurance can be seen as income replacement if you were to die prematurely.  It’s affordable and customizable.  One of the ways you can customize your term life insurance is with the term length.

The term length of a policy determines how many years you have insurance coverage for.  A permanent life insurance policy lasts forever – hence calling it “permanently.”  A term life insurance policy lasts a specific number of years – a “term”.  The typical term length options are 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years.  So, if you were 30 years old and you purchased a 25-year term policy, you would be insured until you were 55 years old.

A 10-year term policy is one of the cheapest life insurance policies you can buy, which makes sense because the coverage it provides lasts the fewest amount of years.

The Estimated Monthly Cost of a
$250,000 10-Year Term Policy
for a Healthy, Non-Smoker


Male Female
25 $11









$14 $13
45 $20



$28 $23
55 $41





Even though a 10-year policy may not last very long, there are still situations in which it makes sense to purchase one.

Buy a 10-year term policy if it’s all you can afford.

You may have a lot of bills.  Maybe you’ve got credit card debt.  You couldn’t possibly afford to buy life insurance now, right?  Wrong.  It’s in situations like these when you likely need life insurance the most and can’t afford not to have it.  If your income were to suddenly disappear, what would happen to your family?  If you were already struggling financially, your death won’t make things easier.  Final expenses – such as any debt you had and your funeral costs – would be up to your family to somehow pay.

A 10-year term policy can protect your income and your family’s future while you work toward paying off debt.  A little bit of life insurance is always better than none at all.  Once your finances are more secure, if you decide you want to purchase more life insurance this is always an option.  You can either convert your 10-year policy into a permanent policy (if your policy is convertible) or you can purchase a new term policy.

Buy a 10-year term policy if you are close to retirement.

Most of the time term life insurance policies are purchased to cover the most financially-vulnerable years, such as when your children are small and you have quite a few years left on your mortgage loan.  Other times term life insurance policies are purchased to protect financial responsibilities that may crop up later in life, such as the purchase of a vacation home or your adult child’s graduate school tuition.

As an example, let’s say you are 55 years old and you and your spouse pull the trigger and finally buy that dream condo on the ocean.  It will be a great place for your children and grandchildren to visit.  However, one of your children isn’t quite done with graduate school and tuition isn’t decreasing anytime soon.  You have savings, Social Security benefits will be starting soon, and even though you’re healthy, you still want to be sure that if the unexpected happened, your spouse wouldn’t have to sell the condo and your child could finish school.

The Estimated Monthly Cost of a
10-Year Term Policy
for a Healthy, Non-Smoking 55-Year-Old
Coverage Amount Gender
$100,000 Male = $22
Female = $20
$250,000 Male = $42
Female = $32
$300,000 Male = $48
Female = $37
$500,000 Male = $73
Female = $55
$750,000 Male = $107
Female = $80
$1,000,000 Male = $136
Female = $102

Buy a 10-year term policy to supplement your existing life insurance.

Perhaps you planned ahead when you were young and bought life insurance right after your first child.  You locked in a great low premium payment for a 30-year $250,000 term policy.  Perfect.  Your child will be financially protected through her college years and your spouse could pay for your funeral and rent each month.

Now, fifteen years later you’re 40 years old and realize that your $250,000 policy won’t cover your $400,000 mortgage loan.  Instead of applying for a brand new 30-year policy with a $500,000 coverage amount, you can opt to add to your current coverage with a new 10-year policy $250,000 policy.  This will ensure you have an appropriate amount of coverage for the next ten years while you’re paying off your mortgage and through your daughter’s college years – without being over-insured.

Buy a 10-year term policy to protect a loan.

Whether you need to take out a personal or business loan, lenders need to know how you plan on paying back the loan.  They also like a backup plan as assurance that they won’t lose money should you die unexpectedly before the balance is paid in full.  One such option is to assign a term policy as your payment backup should you die.  Lenders will be more inclined to approve your loan if they see you have all intentions of paying it back – even in death.

Interested in a 10-year term life insurance policy?  Finding out how little a policy may cost you is incredibly easy.  Visit – run as many quotes as you want without being required to enter contact information.  We look forward to helping you purchase life insurance.

Best Term Life Policy An Ultimate Guide For You

What is a term life policy?

Quite simply, a term life policy is insurance protection that provides your beneficiaries with a cash death benefit if you pass away during the term of the policy.  For help understanding the difference between a term policy and a permanent policy, you can visit Us.

Life insurance companies will offer a term life policy for those individuals who qualify under a company’s underwriting guidelines. 

Underwriting guidelines are the criteria that insurance companies use to determine if you are an acceptable risk.

It’s important to remember that each life insurance carrier has different underwriting guidelines. They will all look at your health and lifestyle differences.

How do I know which life policy is the best?

To determine which life policy works best for your situation it is important to do a little bit of homework. By reviewing this article and with the help of google you should be able to gather enough information to make a wise decision regarding your life insurance needs.

Let’s break down some of the common questions surrounding a term life policy and how to go about finding the best plan.

How much coverage do I need?

This is probably the best starting point when purchasing life insurance protection. Here are some of the common reasons individuals purchase life insurance:

  • Replace income– this is probably what most people think of when trying to determine how much life insurance protection to buy. If you are not around to earn an income, then your family will suffer a significant lifestyle challenge. Six to Ten times income is a good starting point.
  • Mortgage Protection– another common reason a family might purchase life insurance is to make sure the mortgage balance is paid off in case of an untimely demise.
  • Children Education– Planning for a college education can be very expensive. Who knows where your child may want to go to college. And with college costs rising every year, protecting this need with life insurance makes a lot of sense.
  • Final Expenses- the cost of final expenses such as funeral and burial continues to rise. Also paying off any outstanding credit card or auto loans may be something that needs to be planned for.
  • Estate Planning Needs– Life insurance can often time be a good tool for those who expect to have a large estate tax due upon death. Other estate planning needs that life insurance can assist with include college endowment or charitable giving.

Now, it is important to remember that each person’s needs are different and we recommend a complete needs analysis from an insurance professional, CPA or estate planner to determine exact needs.

But, if you wish to do a quick needs analysis in order to get coverage in force as quickly as possible, the link here will help you narrow down your coverage needs.

To this point, we have primarily talked about term life coverage for personal family needs. But, term life insurance can also be used the same way for business needs. Here are some of the common ways that term life insurance can satisfy business protection needs:

  • Key Person Insurance– Life insurance protection on a key member of a business or organization. Someone who is vital to the continuation of the business.
  • Buy-Sell Insurance– A buy-sell agreement between two business partners can be funded with life insurance. This insures an easy transition of the business if one of the partners dies.
  • Collateral Assignment– Many times banks want a life insurance policy assigned to them as the lender on a business loan.
  • Executive Bonus– Often times a life insurance policy can be used as a special bonus to an important member of the business. This type policy can offer extra protection for the employees family.


Who is the life policy for?

Another important question that must be answered when you are thinking about purchasing a life insurance policy is who actually is the policy for?

Most often this is fairly straight forward when a personal policy is a purchase. Many times the spouse is named as primary beneficiary. But, the need for coverage may be more complicated than this.

What if you want to leave money to your kids from a previous marriage? What if you have a former spouse that must have her as the beneficiary due to a divorce decree? Are there step-children involved? If leaving to minor children is there a guardian or trustee set up?

These questions on the surface may sometimes seem simple, but often times can get confusing. Again, it is important to know who the benefit of the life policy is for and make sure to update any necessary beneficiary changes.

How long do I need the protection?

Okay, this question is sometimes the most difficult to answer. After all, most people want the coverage to be in force for as long as possible. But, it is very important to remember that term life insurance is temporary protection, not permanent protection. This simply means that at some point when the original term period has expired the rates will increase dramatically if you want to continue the coverage.

Term life insurance by its very nature is the least expensive type of coverage you can purchase. It is meant to provide you with the most death benefit protection for the least amount of premium. So, it is important to know why you are buying the coverage and how long you want the coverage to offer protection.

Let’s look at a few examples of term life policies that are offered in the marketplace:

  • 10 Year Guaranteed Level Term–  This policy offers a guaranteed level premium for 10 years. At the end of 10 years, the rate will adjust higher. This policy should only be for a short-term need. An example would be perhaps someone who has just 10 years remaining on a home mortgage. A 10-year term policy would not make sense for someone who needs protection to last 20, 30 years or longer.
  • 15 Year Guaranteed Level Term- Offers guaranteed level premiums for 15 years. Rates for this policy will be more expensive than a 10-year policy, but will also offer an additional 5 years of coverage. This policy could make sense if your needs are limited to around 15 years. An example might be a married couple with a young child that will be through with their education/college within 15 years.
  • 20 Year Guaranteed Level Term-  A 20 year guaranteed level premium plan offers many people a good compromise. The rate will be more expensive than a 10 or 15-year policy but offers an additional number of years of protection. An example of this policy would be an individual who is age 45 and wants protection to last until they retire at 65.
  • 25 Year Guaranteed Level Term- The 25-year term policy is not offered by as many insurances carries as the 10,15 and 20-year plans, but can be a great fit for someone that has a new baby or new mortgage and wants to have coverage with guaranteed level rates for 25 years.
  • 30 Year Guaranteed Level Term- The 30 year guaranteed level term is very popular especially for young families and those with new mortgages. The rates are higher than those of the other terms but provide excellent long term protection during most of the working years.
  • Return of Premium Term– The return of premium term policies offered in the marketplace allows you to still lock in most of the guaranteed level rates mentioned above, but with one caveat. These policies allow you at the end of the return to recoup most if not all of the premiums you have paid in. Of course, these rates are higher priced, but for those individuals who may need a simple way to ensure and save, this product can be a solution.

What if I have health problems? Can I still get a term life policy?

Okay, so you have determined you have a need for life insurance. You know the amount of coverage you desire. You know the plan of coverage you want, but what happens if you have a history of pre-existing medical conditions? Or perhaps you scuba dive, race cars or have a high-risk occupation.

Finding affordable protection for those who may be in less than perfect health is possible. But, there are a couple of things you need to do to help your cause. First, you must work with an agent or agency who specializes in this niche area of underwriting.

Any agent in the marketplace can write a term life policy on someone who is in perfect health. But, only agents who have years of experience and knowledge working with all kinds of health impairments can find you the company that specializes in your particular risk.

As we mentioned earlier, all life insurance companies have certain criteria they look at when evaluating someone for coverage.

But, there is also a handful of companies who underwrite certain risks better than others. The secret is finding the company that will offer you the lowest rates for your condition.

Fortunately, you have landed on the right page. We are experts at finding the companies who do this type of underwriting the best. In fact, with our over 30 years of experience, we often times can instantly tell you if an offer is possible and what even give you a quote.

Optional riders that can be added to a term life policy

Many of the hundred, if not thousands of life insurance carriers offering term life policies also offer riders that can be added to the base policy.

A rider is simply an additional benefit added to the base policy at an additional charge. Here are some of the most common riders that can be added to term life policies.

  • Waiver of Premium– this benefit which is typically available up to about age 55 allows the insurance company to waive your premium should you be disabled.
  • Child Rider– A child rider offers a low-cost way to add child(ren) coverage to your policy. Most child riders are limiting to $10,000 of benefit per child.
  • Spouse Rider– Much like the child rider, the spouse rider allows you to include your spouse on the base policy. The benefit amount for the spouse is usually limited to $50,000. Important to note that all riders are subject to same underwriting review as the base policy.
  • Long-Term Care or Critical Illness Rider– these riders are fairly new and only a few carriers offer them. But, they do offer you the ability to accelerate your death benefit and use for a long-term care or critical illness. The definition of the long-term care or critical illness rider is different for each carrier, so it is important to review carefully.
  • Accelerated death benefit rider–  This rider has become very common on most term life contracts and often times has no additional premium charge. Most define this rider as the ability to accelerate up to 50% of the death benefit early subject to a maximum amount if you are diagnosed by a doctor with a terminal illness and have less than 12 months to live.

Real Life Example of the use of Term Life Insurance

David is a 35-year-old married man with 3 children ages 8,5, and 3. David has a small amount of life insurance at his work but feels the need to have more coverage. David has approximately $225,000 left on his mortgage. His income is 85,000 per year. David wants to be sure that his wife and kids have enough money to pay off the mortgage, put the kids throught school and still have the income to live off of. David calculates his needs at $1,000,000 of coverage.

David would also like a policy that will stay in force until he retires in approximately 30 years. In order to keep his premium cost down, Dave wants to ladder his policies. This laddering will help his coverage stay in effect for the needs as he goes thru his life. Dave decides to purchase a $225,000 15 year level term to match the approximate time left on his mortgage.

Dave’s youngest child is 3 so he determines that a 20 year guaranteed level term policy for $250,000 should be set aside for education purpose. The remaining $525,000 of coverage will be carried under a 30 year guaranteed level policy.

Dave would also like to add some coverage for his wife and kids. So, he decides to add a child rider for $10,000 of protection for each child and he places a spouse rider of $50,000 for his wife.

Dave now has a complete line of protection for most of his foreseeable needs.

Conversion option with term insurance

One of the most important features that is offered for free with most term life policies is something called the conversion option.

The conversion feature is included in most term policies, but it is important to check your particular proposed plan to see the details of this option.

Some companies only offer the conversion option for a limited time. Perhaps only during the initial guaranteed level period or to a certain age. Knowing how long your conversion option is offered can be particularly important if or when you need it.

Here is exactly what the conversion option is. The conversion option allows you to convert any or all of your term death benefit to a permanent lifetime death benefit with no medical underwriting or health questions.

Now, you may ask why is this so important. Here is why. Suppose your needs change and so does your health. Let me give you an example.

Joe purchased a 10-year level term to cover him until is youngest kid gets out of college. Joe has originally issued a $250,000 policy at super preferred non-tobacco rates. Approximately 5 years into the term policy Joe is diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. Joe also finds out a new surprise. His wife is pregnant.

Joe knows his current 10-year term policy only has 5 years remaining. He is worried if he will not be able to qualify for new insurance protection due to his medical history.

Fortunately,  Joe has the conversion option on his current policy. He can now convert any or all of his current term policy to a new guaranteed lifetime level premium policy with no medical exam or health questions. The conversion option is guaranteed.

When or if he converts his current coverage to a new plan he will receive the super preferred non-tobacco risk class that he was originally approved at 5 years earlier. This is a huge advantage for those whose health has changed but still need insurance coverage.

Bottom line is, you never know if you will need to extend your coverage. You also never know what your health will be. It is vital that your current term life policy has the conversion option included just in case.

Who are the best term life policy companies?

In the life insurance arena, it is common to see some of the same company names show up year after year as having the best term plans. Of course, occasionally you will have a company that wants to make a splash in the term market and they will lower their rates to be competitive.

Or, you may find a company that wants to be more competitive in the “impaired” risk marketplace, so they begin to price their rates better for those with diabetes, heart disease, etc.

But, as of the time of this blog, below are the companies that typically show up as being competitive both in price and underwriting. In addition, all of these carriers are rating excellent by most of the rating services such as A.M. BEST, Standard & Poors and Moody’s. In no particular order:

  • Protective Life
  • Banner Life
  • Prudential 
  • Lincoln National Life
  • Principal National Life
  • Cincinnati Life
  • Ohio National Life 
  • American General Life
  • John Hancock
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Pacific Life
  • Assurity Life 
  • North American Life
  • Mass Mutual Life
  • Savings Bank Life 
  • Independent Order of Forresters

How to apply for a term life policy?

Nowadays there are many ways to buy life insurance. Below are some of the ways you can purchase a term life policy.

  1. Online from a big box quoting service perhaps hundreds of miles away.
  2. From your hometown property and casualty company
  3. Direct toll-free number to an insurer
  4. The use of an independent insurance adviser
  5. A bank
  6. Financial Adviser or CPA

It’s important to keep in mind, how much assistance you will need when purchasing coverage. Will you need help finding the lowest rates? Do you want to be sure to have somebody to call on policy issues that come up after the policy is placed? Do you have a pre-existing medical condition that needs an expert assistance? Do you need to know every detail about the policies? (conversion, riders, etc.)

Most people buying life insurance know that somebody will get paid a commission to help with your policy. All life insurance policies pay a commission to someone- no matter how much assistance you get. The commissions are already built into the price of the policies, so there are no negotiations on commissions like with a car sale or any other large ticket item.

In other words, let’s say you buy a Prudential policy from an agent in California even though you are located in Georgia. The rate would be the same in Georgia as it would be in California. So, what you are paying for is the service you get into helping you obtain the protection and the service you get once the policy goes into force.

So, although a quick toll-free number to someone sitting in a stall may be a quick way to get a quote- what actual personal service will you get thru the underwriting process and after the policy is completed? I mean will you ever be able to get a hold of the person again from the 1-800 number.

Of course, we are probably biased, but we feel you will get the best rates, knowledge, and service from an independent agent who has been in the business for 20+ years.

An independent agent will represent hundreds of companies and will be able to give you expert advice on the questions you need to be answered. Also, an independent agent who has been in business for many years is here to stay. No worries about not being able to reach your agent when the time arises.

Remember, someone on the end of that phone is getting paid to sell insurance. We think it should be someone who will be there to answer any questions that arise and represents your best interest, not theirs.

Information needed to quote on a term life policy

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Amount of coverage needed
  • Type of plan (if known)
  • Tobacco use within 5 years
  • Family history of cancer or heart disease before age 60
  • Current medications
  • Brief medical history
  • Any foreign travel
  • Any motor vehicle violations
  • Any hazardous activities or hobbies

Exam or non exam term life policy

Many insurance companies offer individuals the opportunity to purchase life insurance with or without an exam depending on the circumstances. If you are a relatively healthier individual less than 50 years of age, you can typically buy coverage up to $1MM without a medical exam or blood work.

Now you will typically pay a bit higher rate to buy insurance without an exam or labs, but if you are in a hurry for protection and a few extra dollars does bother you, then a no exam policy could be a good idea.

If you are not in a hurry and want the absolute lowest rates than a fully underwritten policy with exam and lab work will give you the best chance for the lowest rates.

Again, an experienced agent who offers all the different options will give you the information you need to make the best decision.

Is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance a Good Option?

We often get asked questions along the lines of “My aging parent is very ill and medical bills have drained his/her savings account, but I cannot afford to pay for the funeral if he/she should pass away.  Can I buy life insurance on my parent?”  In this scenario, we do not advise purchasing “regular” fully underwritten life insurance.  More often than not, term life insurance is going to be ideal for most people, but not in this scenario.

Why we wouldn’t recommend term insurance in this case…

Term life insurance would typically not work in this case because the coverage amount would be too small, the client would likely be uninsurable because of health issues, and the client’s age would be outside the range a life insurance company would approve coverage for.

What we would recommend…

When we get this question, we usually tell inquirers that they have two options:

  1. Take the money you would have spent each month on term insurance and instead put it into a savings account so it can start accruing interest. You can then access these funds later when in need of money for your loved one’s final expenses.
  2. Purchase a guaranteed issue life insurance policy.

What is a guaranteed issue life insurance policy?

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of life insurance that you cannot be denied coverage on, hence “guaranteed”.  There are a few things you should know about this type of insurance.

  1. Guaranteed issue life insurance is typically known as “last resort” life insurance. It’s meant for those who may have been denied previously and/or are not in good health.
  2. Guaranteed issue life insurance policies are designed so that surviving loved ones can pay for your final expenses, such as a funeral, burial, and medical bills.
  3. Guaranteed issue life insurance premiums will never increase.
  4. A guaranteed issue life insurance policy accumulates cash value.
  5. Guaranteed issue life insurance policies have significantly lower death benefit amounts compared to term or permanent policies.
  6. There is no medical exam or questionnaire required for guaranteed issue life insurance. The only factor that is really taken into consideration is the age of the insured.  Because of this, guaranteed issue life insurance premiums are higher per thousand than most other types of life insurance.
  7. Benefits are limited to the first two years. This is called a Graded Death Benefit period.  What this means is that if you die within two years of buying the policy for any reason other than an accident, your beneficiaries typically only receive the total amount of what you paid in premiums.  (This can vary depending on the carrier.)

So, if you’re in relatively good health, fully underwritten life insurance may be a better option for you.  However, guaranteed issue life insurance is a great option for those with a desperate need.

How much does guaranteed issue life insurance cost?

While you can get millions of dollars’ worth of term life insurance coverage, guaranteed issue life insurance coverage often caps at $50,000.  Again, its design is based around simply helping your surviving loved ones pay for your final expenses.

Quotacy works with Gerber Life to provide guaranteed issue coverage options.  Gerber’s guaranteed issue policy is available in all U.S. states except for Montana.  Take a look at the examples and table below to get an idea on what a guaranteed issue policy can cost.

Example #1

 John Smith is 55 years old and has been denied for traditional life insurance because of his Stage IV prostate cancer.  He does not want to burden his children with his final expenses so he plans on purchasing guaranteed issue life insurance.

He’s automatically approved without having to undergo a medical exam or fill out any health forms.  John obtains $20,000 in coverage and his premiums are $91.30 per month.

If John passes away within two years, Gerber Life will refund to his beneficiaries all premiums that had been paid plus 10% interest.  However, if John happens to die because of an accident unrelated to his health within those two years, his beneficiaries will receive the full $20,000 death benefit.  After two years, his beneficiaries will receive the full death benefit regardless of how he dies.

Example #2

 Jane Doe takes care of her 79-year-old mother Sally.  Sally does not have any life insurance and Jane is worried that she won’t have the funds to give her mother the funeral she deserves.  Jane decides to buy a guaranteed issue life insurance policy on Sally.

A $12,000 policy is enough for Jane to ensure she can pay for a proper funeral and burial.  Sally is approved for coverage and the policy will cost $165.70 per month.

Although this type of policy is easy to acquire, it offers less coverage and higher premiums than traditional life insurance, so explore all your options.  If you aren’t sure if guaranteed issue life insurance is the best choice for you or want more information, contact us here at Quotacy and we can help you.

Recap of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance:

  • If you’re between 50 and 80 years old, you can be accepted for guaranteed issue coverage regardless of your health.
  • There are no medical exams to complete or health questionnaires to fill out.
  • Cash value accumulates within the policy.

Remember, term life insurance quotes are free to run on and there is no penalty for applying.  It doesn’t hurt to apply for term life insurance, then opt for the guaranteed issue if you end up being denied.  The more options you have, the better decision you can make.